Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adventures in Weight Loss: Introduction

9:14 AM 10/14/2009

One of the hardest parts of losing weight is finding a system that works and is easy to stick to. All too often, people jump into a weight loss routine that requires more effort than they are willing to put in, or a routine that is very much out of sync with their daily life. I know this because I am a victim (culprit, more likely) myself. In fact, the only true weight loss method that ever worked for me was the heartbreak/ end of relationship diet (girl breaks heart/ breakup causes dieter to stop eating)!

This past summer was the best I've ever done with losing weight. I found that by tracking different stats, I can keep myself interested in losing weight. This worked well for a few months, but I fell off of the wagon. I found that the constant trying to remember what I had done and for how long seemed to take up a lot of my time.

Another thing that I had not done was set up a system of rewards and accountability. The only goal I had was to lose weight. This in itself is a fine goal, but it is to broad.

Accountability wise, I really had none. If I didn't exercise, I wasn't letting anyone down but myself. Which is where this blog comes in.

I have decided that I am going to share my trials and tribulations with the world. If I have people listening, I'm less likely to let them down. I may not have many followers yet, but the few that I do have will be enough.



I plan to blog each week on how well I did the previous week. I will update the world on my diet, exercise, and general mood. As previously stated, I hope this helps give me the feeling that I am doing something for more than just myself, I'll have other people waiting to hear my progress.


The Internet is a big part of my life. I'm a Computer Networking major, so I'm nearly always in front of a computer. This sounds like a lazy negative, but it's something that I can turn into a positive.

Websites like and will help me keep track of things like calorie intake and running progress. is an excellent resource/ method to help you get into a pushup routine that will eventually lead you to doing 100 pushups straight. Similar methods and will come after I reach the 100 pushups.

One tracking method that I am eager to test is the nike+ distance tracker. I will be doing the couch to 5k running program, and having this little piece of gadgetry will help me automatically track my progress (tracking without effort is always a bonus!)

The Nike+ system works in tandem with an ipod to track steps, speed, and distance traveled. A small transmitter is placed in your shoe. Nike shoes come equipped with a spot for the transmitter, but pouches for other brands can be purchased cheaply online. The transmitter sends the information to your ipod (nano, touch, or iphone) via a small dongle that attaches to your data port (nano), or by wifi. All of this information is then uploaded to the Nike+ website the next time you sync your ipod. As an added bonus, can download your Nike+ workouts directly into your training log! Convergence technology in fitness, awesome! comes in handy to track other stats like progress in weight loss and calories taken in/ burned.

Speaking of calorie tracking, if anyone knows of a good windows mobile app to keep track of intake, let me know. As it stands, I will be using a plain .txt file to keep track of everything that I eat during the day. Evernote would be a wonderful tool for this, but I am lacking a data plan on my phone to take advantage of their service. Once I spring for the data plan, I do believe that this will be my preferred mehod.


To keep myself motivated, I will do simple things, like photo taking of weight loss and the aforementioned blogging. I have also found that by just simply putting on workout clothes, I am much more likely to go through with the actual exercise. I also plan on purchasing a bike in the future, which will help me vary my cardio workouts to keep interest.

Well, there you have my weight loss plan. If you have any tips or suggestions, please, comment away! See you next week!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Favorite Websites: Teefury!

Last spring, I read a Time magazine article on the best blogs, which led me to my favorite movie site, /Film. /Film has a "Cool Stuff" article, which features, well, cool stuff you can buy. One day, they had this cool t shirt that I considered buying for a friend. I didn't because I was broke, but I considered it. The shirt in question was this:

I followed the link to the website where this was available, and I found something that ended up being way cooler than this shirt.

Teefury is an awesome idea. Every day, the teefury staff selects a new image for a t-shirt. This shirt is available for 24 hours, only. After 24 hours, the shirt isn't available any longer.

Every once in a while, they have "Grab Bag" days, where you can pay 5 bucks a shirt and get a random design. You don't have a choice as to what shirt you're getting.

The advantage that Teefury has over buyers, I've noticed, is a sense of urgency. I've seen cool designs on the site that I wasn't sure about. Well, I had to make a decision right then and there, because guess what? There was never a chance for me to get the design ever again. I did luck out on a grab bag and got a shirt I was on the fence about, but the chances of this happening are slim.

As it stands, Teefury is an awesome site that offers new artists the chance to see their work on the chest's of the public. I, for one, am hooked.

Here's a little taste of my collection!

This one I just purchased, and am eagerly awaiting!

This is the tee that I was on the fence about and received in the grab bag. I'm a big argyle fan, and I really enjoyed the design. It's like where a sweater vest without the lameness.

I was going through a kaiju movie phase (happens about once a year) when they posted this cool design.

This was the first shirt I bought. See if you can spot all of the references in it!

I bought this one because it reminds me of Castle Graystone.

This one is dumb, I can't lie. Grab bag special, gave it to my cousin, who likes it. As long as someone does, haha.

This one is cool, but it's a little plain. The design is freakin' awesome though.

I also have two Teefury bird designs, but I can't find images of them on the site. I hope this post gave everyone a nice introduction to Teefury, add it to your feed reader and prepare to be the only person in town with your shirt!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

PETA vs Ringling Brothers: Virtual Hyper Awesome Battle!!!!

Okay. I just read this article, and all I can say is wow. To paraphrase: PETA is trying to stop Ringling Brothers from releasing their video game, because Ringling Brothers is "looking to take its cruelty to animals virtual."

Well, shit the bed, where else should cruelty to animals be? If I want to whip a lion or force a bear to ride a tricycle by nailing his feet to the pedals, I sure as shit think it's a better idea to do it in a virtual environment than in real life, to a real bear, that could really die.

They already attacked Cooking Mama, for the asinine reason that "Cooking Mama kills animals". I guess we're not supposed to know that the meat called "Turkey" is coming from a, *gasp*, FUCKING TURKEY!!

Look, I think veganism is noble. I don't have the willpower for it. Cows taste too good. Anyone who can dedicate their life to being kind, I can agree with. But c'mon. Plumber Bob from Tucson is not, I repeat not, gonna give up his bratwurst. Sorry, ain't gonna happen. That's how this world works. You pick your side, you live your life to be the best possible you that you can be, and you be an example to others. Let them make an active choice against what they feel is right or wrong with the world. Protest people shooting each other, not a video game where you pluck feathers off of a cartoon turkey.

Anyways. I'm gonna go play Fallout 3, where I will definitely be shooting radiated dogs. And yes, because of PETA, I'm doing it just because they're animals.

Now playing: The Sex Pistols - No Feelings
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mac VS PC; Which side of the force am I on?

In my networking classes, among all of the talks of subnetting and security hacks, one argument always comes up: PC or Mac? It's a hot debate anywhere computing technology is relevant. "It just works" VS "unlimited hardware support". Both have their pros and cons, but I've got a much simpler, direct way to choose what type of computer you should get.

The Star Wars Computer Test

It's pretty simple, just check it out.

(Original trilogy is herein referred to as "OT" and the prequels will be called, well, the prequels.)

In the OT, stuff was dingy, broken, and didn't always work. Sometimes, you had to hit it to make it work. The Millennium Falcon, in particular, was the fastest space vessel in the universe, but it spent most of Empire needing repairs.

Much like a PC.

PC's don't always work, are hiccup-prone, and tend to require a lot of maintenance. They need repairs (patches) a lot. But, much like our space-faring brethren in a galaxy far, far away, when your PC works well, it instills a sense of pride in the one who got it running so smooth.

Macs, on the other hand, are shiny, sexy, and clean. Everything about them screams "well-polished". They're totally designed to be different than anything that came before them.

See the parallel? The prequels were shiny, sexy, clean, and almost too "well-polished". They were created using new, never before scene technology, straight off the bleeding edge of ILM. The films were bright, colorful, and full of the feeling that you were watching something familiar, but brand new.

**SIDE NOTE**I know what everyone is asking now: What about Linux? Two words: Battlestar Galactica. You don't know what it's about and it seems rather cultish and lame until you give it a shot. Then it's fucking awesome and you realize it's got all the potential to be as good as Star Wars.

So where do I fall? I'm OG Star Wars all the way. I like things that need to be worked on and tinkered with. That's my personality. I like to work on things. I think that's why I love my PC. I like figuring out how to get it working the way I want it to. I'm not apposed to Macs, as I would love to have one to use for video editing, I'm just thoroughly planted in the PC camp for now.

Until Macs start powering hyperdrives.

Now playing: Bouncing Souls - Man In Black
via FoxyTunes